On May 14, 2024, an important meeting took place at the Indramayu Regency Environmental Agency. The Resilience Development Initiative (RDI) team, represented by Firdha Laila, Evita Mahar, and William Harahap, worked together with the local Environmental Agency and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) to hold a socialization event about emissions inventory. This event was also attended by MoEF representatives, Ms. Nevy Rinda and Mr. Reza Irvano.
The event brought together representatives from various regional offices in Indramayu Regency. These participants were expected to help collect data for the emissions inventory project, which is taking place in different areas including Jabodetabek, Banten Province, and several cities in the Pantura region. The event included an interactive discussion session, where participants could ask questions and talk about the challenges they face in filling out the emissions inventory form in Indramayu Regency.
The goal of the event was to help the regional offices in Indramayu Regency understand how to fill in the data and to highlight the importance of emissions inventories. It emphasized the need for everyone to work together to achieve sustainable urban growth. Overall, this event was an important step towards creating specific policies and action plans for reducing emissions in Indonesia.
Report by: William Harahap