On 16 July 2023, RDI was invited by the Jakarta Environmental Agency (Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi DKI Jakarta) to participate in Festival Ayo Birukan Langit Jakarta (Mini Festival Let's Make Jakarta Sky Blue Again). This occasion was conducted in order to increase public awareness regarding the issue of air pollution in Jakarta. Along with several Civil Society Organizations, this festival was held at the Bundaran HI Car Free Day, Jakarta.
Furthermore, this event has the goal of educating the public to get to know more about Jakarta's air conditions by holding an open house and explaining features at the DKI 1 Bundaran HI reference grade Air Quality Monitoring Station (SPKU) as well as an exhibition of Civil Society Organizations that focus on air quality issues. Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency, Asep Kuswanto highlighted that currently, the air pollution control strategy (SPPU) is a priority for the DKI Provincial Government which must be completed together. Currently, the DKI Provincial Government's target is to harmonize action plans between agencies and ensure performance parameters for monitoring and evaluation are set before the SPPU becomes a Governor's Decree which will bind the performance assessment of the related agencies.
Besides informing the visitors on RDI and C40 Cities current progress on air quality and public transport result studies, RDI also facilitated several fun activities at the booth. Those are including interactive games on public transportation and public opinion voting on air quality policy. There were also several institutions that enlivened this event including DKI Jakarta Health Service, DKI Jakarta Transportation Service, Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency (Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG)), LRT Jakarta, PT Transportasi Jakarta (Transjakarta), Vital Strategies, Bicara Udara, and others.