Escalating the Sub-National Government’s Capacity through Adaptive Social Protection Training
Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) is an approach that is considered appropriate to respond to the many natural disasters in Indonesia. RDI took part in the Local Government Capacity Building Training for Adaptive Social Protection Schemes organized by the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) in the Special Province of Yogyakarta for three days on 7-8 February 2023. The first training focused on the objectives of ASP implementation in the regions. The activity ended with a discussion on “Understanding Vulner- able Groups by Ms. Fisca Aulia from Bappenas, “Principles, Standards and Stakeholders/Actors in Disaster Management” by Mr. Wiwit Prasetyono from RedR Indonesia; and ‘Un- understanding the Concept of Adaptive Social Protection’ by Dr. Maliki as the Director of Poverty Reduction and Community Empowerment of the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning.
To align ASP with social systems, Mr. Anggoro from BNPB directed the discussion ‘INARisk, Potential for Interoperability- ty with Population Data, and Cross-Agency/Regional Use’, followed by an explanation of ‘Social-Economic Registration to Realize ASP’ by Mr. Camoxs and ‘Information System Scheme for Supporting ASP’ Implementation by Mr. Gilang Aria Seta from the World Food Programme. As an effort to implement ASP in the regions, the discussion on ‘Global Best Practices on Program Transformation into ASP’ was also conveyed by Mr. Ekki Syamsulhakim from the World Bank, which was then continued by Dinar Kharisma regarding “Potential Transformation of National and Regional Programs into ASP”.
As it is known that the ASP program requires detailed financial planning, on the last day, Mr. Ginanjar Wibowo from the Ministry of Finance discussed ‘Disaster Financing Based on the Risk Layer Approach in the APBN and APBD.’ Dr. Saut Sagala also added a presentation on “Financing Based on a Layered Risk Approach”. Medhiansyah Putra Prawira and Fadilah Fitri Arsy from RDI expropriated the discussion by bringing up the case study “ASP Good Practices in Sleman Regency” which was opened by Mr. Girindra Pradhana from RedR Indonesia. This allowed panelists and participants to develop an action plan based on the tensions, challenges, and problems in their program. This training was expected to bring lots of novel pieces of knowledge among participants under the ASP topic and soon will be further explored and evaluated in the upcoming validation workshop which will be held from 13 - 22 March 2023.
Written by: Fadilah D Arsy | Medhiansyah Putra Perwira