Dr. Beta Paramita
Detail Member
- Gender: Female
- Email: betaparamita@upi.edu
- College: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
- Country: Indonesia
Dr. Beta Paramita is an Assistant Professor at the Architecture Department at the Indonesia University of Education. She finished her bachelor in Architecture Study Program in 2000. She holds a Master of Architecture in Urban Design of Tropical City. In 2014 she finished her doctorate at The University of Kitakyushu, Japan. Her interest in research includes sustainable cities and green buildings, especially on building performance and outdoor thermal comfort. Currently, she is chair of the Indonesia Built Environment Research Association (IPLBI) and board member of IBPSA-ID (International Building Performance Simulation Association – Indonesia chapter). Besides, active in RDI (Research Resilience Initiative) which focuses on community, environmental change, and sustainable development. She is also in charge of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Editorial Board member of the Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE).
Dr. Paramita’s latest research project was granted by ClimateWorks Foundation in 2022 with the title of Cooling Roof Indonesia – Combating Urban Heat Island. Her involvement in this project was as Project Manager.