Validation Workshop on Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) Implementation Strategy
Program Detail
A Validation Workshop on the Implementation Strategy for Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) was organized by the Resilience Development Initiative in Yogyakarta’s Prime Plaza Hotel. The workshop included Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) as a component of the efforts to produce the Draft of Strategy Implementation of Adaptive Social Protection at the Sub-National Level in West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, and the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
The session, which was divided into six offline group discussions and one online group discussion, was mediated by Medhiansyah, Fadila, Rahmah, and Priskila as the research officers, as well as Syukron as the outreach officer. The workshop welcomed representatives of the Media Forum, Bappenas (Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Agency of Republic Indoensia), UNICEF Indonesia, and related regional government organizations from the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java.
The focus of the discussion was on examining current ASP-related programs and potential measures that pertinent stakeholders should take to both vertically and horizontally extend social protection programs while also integrating social components into disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation programs.
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