Evaluasi Setting Minimum Service Standards (SPM) - BAPPENAS
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Team Members:
Shofia Rahma Aqiela
Project Partner/Client:
Ministry of National Planning/Development (Bappenas)
Project Background
Setting Minimum Service Standards (SPM) for social aspects of disasters is crucial to ensure fair basic services, reduce risks and impacts, improve preparedness and response, enhance agency coordination, and protect public rights. Due to its importance in disaster management, SPM development must undergo thorough studies and reviews. Therefore, evaluating the government-established SPM for social disaster aspects is necessary for effective disaster risk reduction.
Aims and Objectives
Carry out an evaluation of the Minimum Service Standards (SPM) for Social Aspects of Disasters referred to and implemented by the regional government.
Study Scope:
– SPM for Social Affairs in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs Number 9 of 2018, which includes services for social protection for disaster victims.
– Implementation of SPM for Social Affairs for disaster aspects by local governments, including strategies and methods used.
Achievement of SPM targets for Social Affairs for disaster aspects by local governments, as well as factors that influence them.
– Quality and effectiveness of SPM for Social Affairs for disaster aspects in achieving its objectives, namely ensuring the availability of services that meet standards for beneficiary groups targeted by local governments.
– Identification of obstacles and challenges in implementing SPM for Social Affairs for disaster aspects, as well as recommendations to overcome them.
Indonesia (Balikpapan, Samarinda, tbc)
Approach: Qualitative & Qantitative
Data Collection: FGD, KII, Document Review, Secondary Data
Minimum Service Standards, Social Aspects of Disasters, Social Prtection, Avalibility of Services