Local Communities Capacity Development: Supporting COVID-19 Recovery through Social Innovation Platform Facilitation (SIP) in West Java Province
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Team Members:
Project Partner/Client:
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
Location :
The ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 has had a major socioeconomic effect on millions of people and has had repercussions on the potential growth of the economy. The Central Bureau of the Statistics Republic of Indonesia recorded negative growth of 5.51% in the second quarter of 2020. This decrease indicates that households are having difficulty meeting the needs of goods and daily services. The pandemic also created prolonged uncertainty resulting in low investment and increasingly tricky business opportunities. The Ministry for Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises recorded that 22.9% of SMEs experienced a decrease in sales, 22% experienced distribution barriers, 19,39% had capital
difficulties and 18% had difficulty with raw materials. Not surprisingly, this ongoing pandemic is threatening the lives of people from every aspect.
Besides that, the pandemic has indeed become a barrier for government and non-governmental organizations to achieve the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The ongoing work of articulating SDGs from a local perspective needs to be accelerated to address emerging development issues. Based on this realization, RDI reckons that the Social Innovation Platform could support the advocacy and bring
together with various actors to accomplish the SDGs’ goal amid the pandemic.
Excerpted from the Term of Reference, RDI will be required to provide support in executing the Social Innovation Platform (SIP) in Ciemas Subdistrict. Targeted stakeholders would benefit from an enhanced awareness of the effects of the SDGs localisations to support sustainable development and resolve challenges considering the changing needs and opportunities generated by the pandemic.
UNDP supports Social Innovation Platform – SDG Localization initiative in Gorontalo and West Java Provinces, mainly through supporting Kawasan Perdesaan (Village Clusters). In West Java, the initiative was implemented in liaison with Village and Community Empowerment Agency (Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa) and Tim Pendamping Program Unggulan (TP2U). UNDP supports focus on the advocacy of applying the Social innovation Platform approach at Kawasan Perdesaan and will bring together a variety of actors to foster inclusive partnerships and create sustainable socio-economic transformations. Following the Kick-Off Meeting on 30 September 2020 involving the Kemendesa, UNDP, the Social Innovation Platform experts from Agirre Lehendakaria Center (ALC), Spain, and subnational government counterparts from Gorontalo and West Java, Social Innovation Platform (SIP) implementation in Gorontalo and West Java Provinces were officially launched and facilitated by the SIP Lead Facilitators in Gorontalo and West Java Provinces. In West Java, the location of SIP implementation is in Ciemas Subdistrict Sukabumi, village cluster CITAMANSAKTI (Ciwaru, Tamanjaya, and Mekarsakti) as one of the National Priority Areas (KPPN), in addition to potential activities in the City of Bandung, the capital of West Java.
The proposed objective(s) will be achieved by the following outputs through these activities and actions in Indonesia:
Output 1: Increased knowledge and skills on how to bring together a variety of actors to foster inclusive partnerships and to create sustainable socio-economic transformations.
Output 2: Increased knowledge and skills of Community Support Organizations (CSO) and local governments to implement the Social Innovation Platform approach at village and village cluster levels.
Output 3: Enhanced cooperation among CSOs and local governments through Social Innovation Platform.
Study Scope
The project is conducted in Citamansakti rural area, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. The study aims to localize Sustainable Development Goals in rural areas by focusing on three aspects of development, namely the Food System, MSME, and Tourism.
Data Collection
Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and workshops are conducted with beneficiaries’ groups, UNDP, and district and provincial government personnel as the participants. Furthermore, the participant component are considering gender, disabilities, and various range of age groups. This FGD was held to get information about the current situation, improvement, and challenges the groups facing particularly related to of Social Innovation Platform and its sustainability in the post-project. Our team also gather information on the possibility of innovation that suits well with the Local Communities Capacity Development to be implemented better in these current locations and to identify the replicability. The FGD and workshops could be a medium for exploring how the community will be involved in this effort. The FGD is conducted in the designed target area that is impacted by this project.
Data Analysis
Data analysis uses qualitative analysis with further designated methods by using MURAL and MIRO platforms to re-analyze and validate current findings into a more sketched analysis. Alongside, spatial analysis is also used to gather a brief capture of landscape understandings of the targeted area.