Trash Collection and Transportation Efficiency Analysis
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Team Members:
Project Partner/Client:
Tetra Tech
Based on the Solid Waste Management (SWM) Budget for Makassar City in 2022, the largest expenditure in the SWM is for trash collection and transportation activities carried out in the District. Therefore, to improve the financing aspect in Makassar City is understand their trash collection and transportation system and its efficiency, Clean Cities Blue Ocean seeks to conduct the study in one of the districts in Makassar City. The district chosen to carry out the first study was Biringkanaya District. This is because the management of the SWM Division in Biringkanaya District is one of the best compared to other subdistricts. In addition, the SWM Division of Biringkanaya District is cooperative in providing data related to SWM in the Biringkanaya District.
Aims and Objectives
- Evaluate the current efficiency of waste transportation and collection in Makassar City, especially in Biringkanaya District.
- Provide recommendations for efficient trash collection and transportation for Biringkanaya District.