To Plano Cosmo & Beyond
Researchers from various backgrounds converged at the 4th International Planocosmo event, held from April 2nd to 4th, 2018, in Bandung. This event, a collaborative effort between the Regional and City Planning Program and the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), sought to foster fresh discussions and establish networks focused on infrastructure and transportation within the context of the New Urban Agenda (NUA). It also aimed to showcase ITB's prowess and innovation capabilities.
Planocosmo drew together an array of stakeholders spanning the realms of urban planning, development, and innovation. Diverse speakers and attendees, including representatives from government bodies, research organizations, and the private sector, participated in this conference.
RDI was actively represented in this intellectual gathering by Yasmina Wulandari, Adryan Sasongko, Salma Humaira, and Husnul Aris Alberdi. Yasmina Wulandari shared insights on the role of community-based organizations and risk communication in the context of Mount Sinabung. Adryan Sasongko delved into various aspects of the Geopark in Mount Batur, Bali. Salma explored community perceptions regarding bio-digesters, while Husnul Aris Alberdi presented findings related to biogas and waste management in Lembang.
Accompanying these presenters were RDI's dedicated research fellows, some of whom delivered presentations on their research. For example, Dr. Riela delved into the concept of family-friendly cities. This ITB-hosted event served as a valuable opportunity for strengthening RDI's global networks, allowing RDI researchers and fellows to engage with both familiar and new faces and delve into a spectrum of intriguing research topics.